
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trading with PMI
1. Online Course
·   It’s an online course that will begin on the first day of every month. Period of the course is a month. Registration begin in the first week to third week in every month.
·   Before opening of the course, all participants will receive course materials CD that costing Rp. 2.000.000,-. The CDs will be sent to their address. They can copy/ take of the course materials from Profit Trading web, too.
·   All course participants will be granted a Gold Membership that costing Rp. 5.000.000,- and get access to PMI chart of LQ45 stocks until December 31, 2011. They can analyze PMI chart of the LQ45 stocks and decide their trading by themselves.
After December 31, 2011, they can continue their Gold Membership and access to PMI chart by making reregistration as Gold Membership of Profit Trading.
·   There will be chatting facility once a week to discuss the course materials for a month during the course period.
·   There will be chatting facility once a week during the 2 months after the end of the course to follow the progress of all participants and discuss LQ45 stocks.
·   All participants will be granted “Day Trading Analysis” for a month during the course period that costing Rp. 500.000,- as a bonus. It’s like Stock Technical Analysis for Bronze Membership.
·   Please register with fullname, occupation, complete address and telephone in accordance with your ID card, and send to :
·   The Course Fee : Rp. 7.000.000,-
Once we receive your registration, we will inform you the payment detail.
·   The Course Materials CD contains :
I. Course Materials :
    1. Basic Technical Analysis
    2. Market Strength Indicators and
         its uses
    3. Several Market Strength
    4. PMI and its uses
    5. Comparison of PMI with other
        Market Strength Indicators
    6. Stocks analysis with PMI
II. PMI charts of 45 IDX stocks in
·   PMI chart is a powerfull tool that make trader/ investor easy to take the right position (buy or sell) at the right time. It’s an  ultimate weapon to win trades and multiply profits.
·   For more information about “Trading with PMI”, please click this link. 

2. “Trading with PMI”

·   There’ll be a “Trading with PMI” Workshop in Jakarta.
Place and time of the workshop will be announced later.
·   It’s only limited seats. Please book the seat immediately by email to : Please register with fullname, occupation, complete address and telephone in accordance with your ID card.
·   The Workshop Fee : Rp. 10.000.000,-
Once we receive your registration, we will inform you the payment detail.
Discount 20 % for payment before March 31, 2011.
Discount 30 % for all members of Profit Trading.
·   All participants will receive Workshop Materials CD that costing Rp. 2.000.000,-. They will be granted a Gold Membership that costing Rp. 5.000.000,- and get access to PMI chart of LQ45 stocks until December 31, 2011. They can analyze PMI chart of the LQ45 stocks and decide their trading by themselves.
After December 31, 2011, they can continue their Gold Membership and access to PMI chart by making reregistration as Gold Membership of Profit Trading.
·   There will be chatting facility once a week to discuss the course materials, follow the progress of all participants and discuss LQ45 stocks for 3 months.
·   All participants will be granted “Day Trading Analysis and Swing Trading Analysis” for a month that costing Rp. 1.000.000,- as a bonus.  It’s like Stock Technical Analysis for Silver Membership.
·   The Workshop Materials CD contains :
I. Workshop Materials :
    1. Basic Technical Analysis
    2. Market Strength Indicators and
         its uses
    3. Several Market Strength
    4. PMI and its uses
    5. Comparison of PMI with other
        Market Strength Indicators
    6. Stocks analysis with PMI
II. PMI charts of 45 IDX stocks in
·   The Workshop Topics List :
All topics in Workshop Materials CD plus “Discussion for Stocks update with PMI”.
·   PMI chart is a powerfull tool that make trader/ investor easy to take the right position (buy or sell) at the right time. It’s an  ultimate weapon to win trades and multiply profits.
·   For more information about “Trading with PMI”, please click this link.

Announcement :
Sorry, the registration of Trading with PMI Workshop has been closed. The seats were booked out.